More than 5,000 adults in B.C. with developmental disabilities are looking for homes of their own. Inclusive housing means having access to the same choices about where you live as everyone else. It’s the key to independence, stability and belonging. And a more vibrant, healthy and happy community.
Read the research on inclusive housing needs in B.C. and find resources for presenting to local governments to help open the door to inclusive housing in your community.
What is inclusive housing?
Choice over your living space is basic to having a home.
Housing is physically accessible and close to community.
Avoiding Congregation
People with disabilities live next door to everyone else. They DO NOT all live together in one building.
Neighbours have different interests and backgrounds.
Provides stability and allows for support services.
Inclusive housing stories
Are you an individual looking for inclusive housing in your community?
Find information on topics like financial planning, renting, home ownership and more.

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